Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Last Political Post of the Year.

First, Dear Reader, I owe you an apologize for no post last week.  I try hard not to leave you waiting. Obviously, it doesn't always work out like I plan and Robert Burns said it best in his poem "To A Mouse," "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft agley . . . ."

The political season is drawing to a close, and a thankful nation will heave a sigh of relief, unless this election manages to wind up in the courts.  There are just a few ironies I'd like to point out.  

*In 1854, the Republican party was born from the anti-slavery movement.  I read this in two separate sources, the Civil War book listed in the sidebar and Caleb's history book Lincoln: A Photobiography.   If I was taught that I certainly didn't remember. Today, we are led to believe the Democrats are the party for the blacks.  According to Burton Folsom Jr.'s New Deal or Raw Deal, the shift came in the 1930s in part from "the Federal largesse" doled out by Roosevelt via "the FERA, the WPA, the CCC, and especially the PWA which targeted large building projects in black communities" (p. 436). To me the irony lies in the fact that Roosevelt himself "was unhelpful to Black Americans on racial issues" (p. 486).  He would not support federal anti-lynching legislation or an abolishment of poll taxes. He often ignored black spokesmen and did not "ask the White House Correspondents' Association to admit even one black reporter" (p. 496-7). Politics hasn't changed at all, presidents will do whatever appears expedient to win votes while neglecting more important principles.

*Gloria Allred, a DNC delegate, seems to think whatever testimony Mitt Romney gave at a divorce hearing a while back is going to show that Romney lied under oath which will then somehow, someway derail Romney's presidential campaign.   The disgruntled, angry tweets by Mrs. Allred's client in this article are even further proof this October surprise isn't. 
     Yet the fact that the President knew of the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi  two hours after it began, blamed it on a three-month old video no one had ever seen and lied about knowing this was a terror attack isn't going to derail his hopes for a second term are laughable.  His faux outrage at the townhall-style debate is even more heinous and egregious in the face of this revelation.    I agree with Roger Simon that the President should resign immediately.  This goes well beyond Watergate.  However, I know that isn't going to happen; there is no Alinksky rule for that.

*A CBS affliate ran a crawl showing the President winning the election, three weeks BEFORE the election.  While I enjoy a good conspiracy theory, it doesn't mean I believe them but this one made the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up.  All four debate moderators where in the tank for the President.  MSNBC's Chris Matthews gets all tingly when the President talks and all vitriolic in his defense of the President.  So, why shouldn't it be a surprise that media outlets will do whatever they can to discourage people from voting or out-right lie about the results?  

These ironies brought to you by the letter M for Mainstream Media and the number 0 which is how many journalists really seem interested in the truth and accurate reporting.

Next week, I'll be discussing feminism, scorn and the Church.  Nothing could go "gang aft agley" with that, huh?

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