Thursday, March 14, 2013

The 7 Deadly Sins are alive and well. . . .

In Washington DC.

On Tuesday, I started a draft of a letter to the President for my blog post.  As all writers do, I laid awake thinking about my post, what I had written and what I wanted to edit and change.

Then it struck me, the problem with Washington is that we have a ruling class of elites who are greedy  to protect their own power.  Their pride and arrogance makes them forget where they came from.  Their lust for power blinds them. Their loyalty to party overrides the needs and desires of their constituents.  They don't care about doing what the people elected them to do any more; they are beholden to their own self-interests.

My senators and congressman do not care that my husband's paycheck will be much less; they don't care that he is a victim of their inability to do what they were elected to do.  My President only wants to see me and mine suffer because his pride makes him think I am too stupid to place the blame where it squarely belongs: on HIS shoulders and his alone.

All of them are guilty of being slothful: avoiding their physical work in Washington, by the people and for the people.  Their anger is misplaced as they hurl insults at each other and probably laugh over brandy at their supposed good show.

The President is somehow envious of failed political systems and wants to punish his country through crazy wealth redistribution campaigns that only serve to further weaken our country.

I am a huge fan of Vince Flynn and his Mitch Rapp character.  What does that have to do with anything?  Well his first novel didn't have Rapp in it but it may be his best.  I hope it never comes down to something similar happening in our country but people are angry.  And when people get angry, revolutions happen.

Do you hear the people sing?Singing a song of angry men?It is the music of a peopleWho will not be slaves again!When the beating of your heartEchoes the beating of the drumsThere is a life about to startWhen tomorrow comes!

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