Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Houston, we have a problem.

You've heard the adage "Too many books, too little time."   That is the story of my reading life right now.  I just realized I have bookmarks in seven books.  SEVEN.

Abundant Simplicity
The first chapter of this book had so much meat in it, I pondered it for a week.  Here is a morsel: "In the recent years, followers of Christ have mostly practiced disciplines of engagement, such as study, prayer, service, worship and fellowship. . . . .Disciplines of abstinence, however, such as fasting, solitude, silence, chastity, secret, frugality and simplicity of speech and time, help us let go of life-draining behaviors" (11).  I only have nine more chapters to go.

The Feminist Mistake
I have four more chapters to go in this book, which, after I read some of it, I felt like I needed to take a  spiritual shower.  Christian feminists believe that a theory of atonement is not needed because, "[we] do not need atonement; we just need to listen to the god within" (239).  Feminist Christianity is inherently inclusive and pluralistic," (239) synergism at its worst.  I will never use the NIV version of the Bible again because of what I learned in this book.  In the review I'll post after I finish it, I'll tell you why.

not a fan.
My church read this book for LifeGroups on Wednesday night.  I really enjoy Kyle Idleman's sense of humor.  He quotes Inigo Montoya and confesses he doesn't speak Klingon.  Yet his theology seems to be spot on.  The first four chapters have been quite challenging.

Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made
My book club has moved on but I am still slogging though this one.  I am fascinated by this topic and Genovese's writing style.  So much that is taught about slavery may be inaccurate.

A Distant Mirror
I just finished the chapter on the Black Death, aka the plague.  It seems at every turn, the fear-mongering media is trying to let us know the next pandemic is on the way.  What I just read is a great predictor of how people now would react to such a thing.  I am a little behind my book club pals, however Barbara Tuchman has such a subtle wit that I am really enjoying it.

Cutting for Stone
I know a doctor who has an incredible writing style, a certain descriptive detachment yet an ability to convey strong emotions while telling a heartbreaking story.  Verghese's writing style is like that;  I am captivated.  The part I read today, when Ghosh is released from prison and he thanks Almaz for being at the prison gates, holding up the family picture made me cry.; I know my retelling doesn't do it justice.  I am surprised at how much I am enjoying this novel.

New Deal or Raw Deal
This is my digital book.  It is depressing.  So many things FDR did, our current president is doing so it feels like I'm reading the Democratic playbook.

So, that's my seven.  I hope I can get them all finished by September!

1 comment:

  1. Only seven?? You must be running short on time... Great post, very interesting!
